July 29, 2005

Friday in the wild - July 29, 2005

Heading into the long weekend, it's time for the usual Friday roundup of the interesting, the fun, and the bloggy.

Tim Challies lays out some good guidelines for authors who want to cite Scripture in support of their arguments:

Before we go any further, let's establish the purpose of using the Bible in a book. The goal in prooftexting or quoting from the Bible is to accurately represent and interpret God's Word. We do not use the Bible to prove what we want it to say. Rather, we turn to the Bible to learn from God Himself, and then share what we have learned with others. We must have our priorities straight.

[Read The Proper Use of Scripture in Books]

The PyroManiac turns his flamethrower on the Fad Driven Church�:

So why has the recent culture of American evangelicalism - a movement supposedly based on a commitment to timeless truths - been so susceptible to fads? Why are evangelical churches so keen to jump on every bandwagon? Why do our people so eagerly rush to buy the latest book, CD, or cheap bit of knockoff merchandise concocted by the marketing geniuses who have taken over the Christian publishing industry?

. . . [E]vangelicals and fundamentalists alike "have a genuine affection for the ugly and the superficial, whether in their art, their preaching, or their devotion." A few years ago, marketing experts learned how to tap into evangelicals' infatuation with the cheap and tawdry and turn it into cash.

[Read Shall we sell our birthright for a mess of faddage?]

At Biblical Christianity, Daniel Phillips asks what the big deal is about the Trinity?

I've used this comparison. Suppose someone asks me if I am a Sean Connery fan.

"Love her!" I say.

Puzzled, the other asks me to describe Sean Connery.

"Oh, she's a young Jamaican Country-Western singer, about 25, five foot five, braided hair, with a pegleg and a parrot on her shoulder."

Obviously, we're not talking about the same Sean Connery.

And so, if two people claim to love "God," but one says that He is a single solitary person who sometimes adopts the guise of Father, sometimes Son, or sometimes Holy Spirit; and the other says He is one Being who has eternally existed in three distinct Persons - they are not talking about the same God. Theoretically, either may be right, or both may be wrong; but they cannot both be right. And it matters, given God's hatred for false worship (Exodus 20:3; Leviticus 10; etc.).

[Read Trinity, Flinity, what's the big?]

I thought I got some weird search queries now and then, but Jeremy at Parableman made me laugh out loud by posting searches on non-existent things, such as doctors who give non-pregnant women abortions. Jeremy's blog is actually hit #127, which means this guy actually searched through 13 pages at least trying to find something on this subject.

Speaking of weird Google searches, come Thursday evening, I thought I was actually going to get away with another week of relative sanity. Then I was hit with requests for emma watson's phone number, which I don't have, and info about emma watson's secret abortion, which I definitely don't have. (If I did, it wouldn't be a secret, would it?)

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