November 30, 2023

Ceci n'est pas un book blog

I am not a book blogger. I promise.

Admittedly, I blog an awful lot about books, and … [counts] … 15 of the 16 posts I've made thus in 2023, not counting this one, were about books or reading. There's a reason for that: I've let the Crusty Curmudgeon lie dormant for far too long, and in my desire to write something, I've drawn on all those books I've read for inspiration.

I hoped that by getting into a routine of regularly posting thoughts on books, I'll eventually get drawn into posting thoughts on other things again, as well. If you're a Faithful Reader who's been around for a few years, you may remember that I used to make lengthy posts about theology and old-time radio—;to say nothing of the snide remarks about drunk moose.

In fact, writing about books and literature has always been a significant part of this blog. Reading is my primary hobby, and I aim to read a book per week, typically one that takes about fout to six hours to complete. It stands to reason that if I spend that much free time on an activity, then it will take up plenty of my writing time, as well. I write the most about the things I love to do the most. If I was a hobby chef, that section on my sidebar currently titled "What I've Been Reading" would be titled "What I've Been Cooking," instead, and I'd be sort-of apologizing for all the recent recipes.

The truth is, I don't really fit the "book blogger" mould. First, many blook bloggers are influencers who function basically as promoters for authors and publishers. I've seen too many blogs whose headlines are just a jumble of Twitter hashtags, screaming "ADVERTISING!" I read no farther. I have no desire to be that kind of blogger.

Second, I don't read an awful lot of recent releases. The last book I bought on release day was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—16 years ago. I love science fiction, and according to my log, I've read 13 books in the genre published in the 21st century. Half of those were from The Expanse series.

Third, I don't focus on any particular genre. I certainly have my preferred genre, and each September, I deliberately avoid reading it and focus instead on things I wouldn't normally read. In my reading, as in my professional life, I'm a generalist rather than a specialist.

This blog is an outlet for me to say what's on my mind. That goes for my reading material as well. Did I buy a new book that moved me enough to write a 500-word review? Great. Did I download a Restoration comedy by Aphra Behn from Project Gutenberg, and think highly enough of it to write 500 words? That's great, too.

I don't star my reviews, so I don't have to explain my star system. I don't solicit or receive review copies of books, so I don't need, or have, a review policy. I don't do blog tours or author interviews. I wouldn't know what to ask an author if I did. So if I was a book blogger, I wouldn't be a particularly good one. I doubt I'm in demand as a desirable marketing platform. I'm pretty happy with that. If I changed the Crusty Curmudgeon motto to All books, all the time, and continued with my current habits, as far as I can see, I would have carved out a unique niche in the book-blogging world. I'm also fine with that.

Maybe, instead, I'll change the motto to Ceci n'est pas un book blog. Worry not, Faithful Readers, regular non-literary posting will inevitably resume. Somehow.

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