June 23, 2024

The Hand of Oberon, chapter 2

Spoiler alert: This post is part of an in-depth discussion of The Hand of Oberon by Roger Zelazny, which will inevitably reveal key plot points. I recommend you support your local bookseller or public library, and read the book first.

After a trip to the ghostly, floating city of Tir-na Nog'th, Corwin, with his brother Random and general Ganelon, were led by a unicorn to a place that appeared to be Mt. Kolvir, but with the top of the mountain and the palace missing, and only the Pattern remaining. They realized they were looking at the primal Amber and Pattern.

The Pattern was marred with black splotches, and at the center they found a dagger impaling a Trump of an unknown person. They figured out that the damage to the Pattern was caused by spilling blood of Amber. Random realized that the figure on the Trump was his missing son, Martin.

June 21, 2024

The Hand of Oberon, chapter 1

Today I continue my readthrough of Roger Zelazny's The Chronicles of Amber. I've been sick, so I'm late—sorry! So far I have competed the first three books in the series, so we pick up the story with the fourth novel, The Hand of Oberon.

Spoiler alert: This post is part of an in-depth discussion of The Hand of Oberon by Roger Zelazny, which will inevitably reveal key plot points. I recommend you support your local bookseller or public library, and read the book first.

June 06, 2024

And now ... this - June 6/24

Hot and cold running waterfalls

Yuntai waterfall, supposedly the tallest waterfall in China, was reveled this week to be (at least partly) artificially supplied by a water pipe.

Yuntai Mountain Park's management responded to the video, explaining how changes in the dry season necessitated the extra boost to the falls.

"(The waterfall) cannot guarantee to meet the public in its most beautiful appearance due to season changes," they said, adding that the waterfall underwent "a tiny improvement during dry season."

[Full Story]

Remember the CGI-enhanced fireworks at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, or the little girl who lip-synched during the opening ceremony? I'll bet we'll soon be finding out that everythng in China is artificial. The whole country is a fictitious theme park designed by Disney.