Just when you think student governments couldn't get any stupider, the Carleton University Students Association (CUSA) steps up to the plate. This isn't my first time ranting about CUSA dimbulbery. But that was two years ago, and the nitwits who voted to ban political speech they didn't agree with are gone, replaced with a new generation of nitwits. It's just one more piece of evidence that Last Chance U.'s student body is indeed governed by people who couldn't get accepted to other universities.
Here's the idiocy du jour from the CUSA goofs, passed at a meeting Monday night:
Motion to Drop Shinerama Fundraising Campaign from Orientation Week
Whereas Orientation week strives to be inclusive [sic] as possible;
Whereas all orientees and volunteers should feel like their fundraising efforts will serve the their [sic] diverse communities;
And Whereas Cystic fibrosis has been recently revealed to only [sic] affect white people, and primarily men . . .
Be it resolved that the CUSA representatives on the incoming Orientation Supervisory Board work to select a new broad reaching [sic] charity for orientation week [sic].
Moved: Donnie Northrup
Seconded: Meera Chander
Yes, you read that right: CUSA has deep-sixed participation in the successful and popular annual Shinerama fundraising campaign, because cystic fibrosis isn't diverse enough. No, really.
The fact that the motion passed 17-2 isn't the most extraordinary thing about this. It's that Donnie Northrup, who is the science faculty representative, proposed it. You would think that a science student would have done a little science research: while CF is a genetic disorder that primarily affects Caucasians (not white people specifically), it can affect someone of any race, and both sexes are equally susceptible. Nonetheless, since apparently the wording of the motion could not be changed (CUSA apparently being ignorant of the concept of "amendment"), science student Northrup is now permanently on record for being scientifically ignorant.
Meanwhile, the hunt for a more inclusive disease is on. I'm guessing that Tay-Sachs disease, sickle-cell anemia, and breast cancer aren't on the short list.